holistic women’s counselling

Tiffany offers trauma safe and confidential counselling for you to navigate life’s challenges, find clarity, harmony and a deep sense of peace.

A space for you to feel welcome, held and heard in times where you need guidance and support.

Sessions available online or in-person.


Holistic Womens Counselling

Tiffany Wood - Counselling

1:1 feminine guidance and mentoring

If you’re looking for something deeply integrated and tailored to your unique needs, 1:1 Feminine Guidance and Mentoring may be the right step for you.

These private sessions provide a safe, supportive space for deep healing, self-reclamation, and transformation through a blend of somatic practices, and intuitive guidance. Together, we navigate your personal challenges, release limiting patterns, and help you embody your feminine essence with clarity and confidence.

Whether you're feeling burnt out, overwhelmed, or facing inner blocks, Tiffany offers a deeply supportive space to help you reset, realign, and reclaim your power.

Through somatic practices and mentoring, she guides you in releasing old conditioning and patterns that no longer serve you, creating space for true liberation. As you unravel and soften into the process, you’ll reconnect with your innate wisdom, embody your authentic feminine essence, and tap into the endless well of your sensuality, vitality, radiance, and magnetism.

Available online or in-person



“As a result of this session, I feel like I was granted the space to be and express without judgement or critique.  I felt a lot of the undesirable sensations come up and felt completely held, supported and safe to be with these feelings as Tiffany lovingly prompted me deeper into my truth.  I left my session with Tiffany feeling vulnerable, honest, and a weight of relief as there were some emotions I was resisting to feel.  I felt very grateful for Tiffany's guidance and safety!.”

— Vanessa Demelo

“I embarked on my session with Tiffany with an open mind & a few key items I felt I would like to focus on. What came next really blew me away. Tiffany's beautiful, kind voice held & guided me to tap into the core issues of what lay underneath the surface.
I felt safe, reassured & willing to be guided into a meditative state - helping me pinpoint key moments in time, relationships & themes I was ready to release.
Tiffany was gentle & clear in her language, checking in with me multiple times to ensure I felt safe & was comfortable to explore different triggers & hurts I found bubbling away within me.
Tiffany offered tools to support me navigating this process & when it came to an end I felt held & a sense of completion.
I will definitely be booking in again & can highly recommend Tiffany's services. Im very grateful for this transformative experience..”

— amy graham

“I experienced and embodiment session with Tiffany and was taken to another place. If you are wanting to go within, work with what's deep inside you body in a safe, held space I cant recommend Tiff enough.
We spoke about pregnancy, birth and loss and the power I have within me to accept and channel my emotions into power. 
There was tears, and if felt so gooood! I'll be forever grateful..”

— emily atterton

“Working with tiffany was very profound. Her presence, and energy are so supportive and heart opened. The container she contained for my session was very powerful and her ability to get to the heart of the matter and encourage my deep inner knowing encouraged deep emobdiment and dropping in to my own wisdom. As a result of this session I feel in tune with parts of me that were closed off with frozen tension. Her wrap up was so helpful to my grounding the new awakenings from our session.  Thank you Tiffany!.”

— Larissa czusnowski

“My session with Tiffany was truly powerful, I felt supported and completely held in the container she created to journey through one of my repeated patterns that kept me in a really negative headspace for a ling time. I was reminded of the truth of the wild, freedom seeking women inside of me, who doesn’t give a f$&k of what others think of me; knowing that as long as Im living/speaking my truth, I’m on my path. The shifts I felt have stuck 2 months later, my inner critic has been hounding me day-in day-out about my appearance has calmed down massively, only popping its head up pre-bleed. That’s really saying something. Amazing woman and space holder you are, Tiffany. Thank you for holding me xx”

— chelsea pattern

“I felt like I was granted the space to be and express without judgement or critique. I felt a lot of undesirable sensatinscome up and felt completely held, supported and safe to be with these feelings Tiffany lovingly prompted me deeper into my truth. I left my session with Tiffany feeling vulnerable, honest, and a weight of relief lifted as there were some emotions I was resisting to feel. I felt very grateful for Tiffanys guidance and safety .”

— vanessa, canada

“we have to be intuitive, awake, aware and in our feminine power. that’s what the earth needs now”

Jane Hardwick Collins

Contact Tiffany.